- Small masthead at the top
- Column style
- Text bases (no images)
- Authoritative, persuasive tone
- Subheading that outlines opinion
- Based on current stories
- 2/3 different comment articles
- The guardian's comment takes up about half the page but the daily mail's comment only takes up about 1/4
- The daily mail's comment is on page 16 but the guardian is on page 26 which could be because the guardian has more news stories to talk about so it is later on in the newspaper whereas the daily mail's comment could be more important to the readers so it is nearer the front
- There is a more formal structure in the guardian then the daily mail
- The guardian has more detail but it doesn't have a clear opinion it just gives both sides of the point/argument and lets the reader decide whereas the daily mail has a clear opinion and tries to persuade the reader
- The daily mail's comment is soft news but the guardian's comment is hard news
- Formal language is used in the guardian and complex and emotive language, compared to the daily mail that uses emotive language and is more abrupt, has a stronger opinions and uses a sharp tone
- Both papers are biased towards their own political ideology; the daily mail is right wing and the guardian is left wing. However, the guardian is more objective than biased as it is more factual.
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