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Who Owns What?

    1. How many organisations own national newspapers and do any companies own more than one title? If so, are these titles linked together?
UK national newspapers, ranked by 2017 sales 
March 2017
(Mar 05)
Sunpopular tabloidNews International Newspapers Ltd
Daily Mailmidmarket tabloidAssociated Newspapers (DMGT)
Daily Mirrorpopular tabloidTrinity Mirror*
The Daily Telegraphquality broadsheetTelegraph Group Ltd
The Timesquality compactNews International Newspapers Ltd
Daily Starpopular tabloidExpress Newspapers Ltd (Northern & Shell)
Daily Expresspopular tabloidExpress Newspapers Ltd (Northern & Shell)
City AMquality compactCity AM Ltd
(2005 launch)
The Financial Times**quality broadsheetFinancial Times Ltd (Nikkei)
The Guardianquality Berliner Guardian Newspapers Ltd
itabloid 'cheapsheet'Independent Print/ Johnston Press
(2000 launch)
Independent (online only 2016)quality compactIndependent Print Ltd
New Daytabloid 'cheapsheet'Trinity Mirror
2016 launch and closure

2. Which companies own regional newspaper titles? Look at newspapers that you may be familiar with such as The Leicester Mercury.

Top 20 regional dailies in 2004OwnerCirculation
(Jul-Dec 04)
1Evening Standard (London)Associated Newspapers Ltd (Daily Mail and Gen. Trust)
2Express and Star
(West Midlands)
West Midlands Express & Star Group
3Manchester Evening NewsManchester Evening News Ltd (Guardian Media Group)
4Liverpool EchoLiverpool Daily Post and Echo (Trinity)
5Birmingham Evening MailBirmingham Post & Mail Ltd (Trinity)
6Belfast TelegraphBelfast Telegraph Newspapers
7Evening Times (Glasgow)Newsquest (Herald and Times) 
8Evening Chronicle(Newcastle-upon-Tyne) Newcastle Chronicle & Journal Ltd
9Aberdeen Press & JournalAberdeen Journals Ltd (Northcliffe Newspapers)
10Leicester MercuryLeicester Mercury Group Ltd
11Dundee Courier & AdvertiserDC Thomson & Co Ltd
12Shropshire StarShropshire Newspapers
13The Herald (Glasgow)Newsquest (Herald and Times)
14The Sentinel (Stoke-on-Trent)Staffordshire Sentinel Newspapers Ltd
15Nottingham Evening PostNottingham Post Group Ltd
16Eastern Daily Press (Norwich) 
17Yorkshire Evening Post(Leeds)Yorkshire Post Newspapers Ltd
18Evening News (Edinburgh)Scotsman Publications
19Sheffield Star 
20News & Sports Mail (Portsmouth) 

3. Do any of these companies own other media outlets? How does this link to Hesmondhalgh's ideas on Cultural Industries (see below)?

DMGT own the Daily Mail however, they also own other newspapers like The Mail On Sunday, the Mail Online and the Metro. Trinity Mirror own the Daily Mirror and New Day however, they own the Daily Record, The Sunday Mirror, the Sunday People and the Sunday Mail as well. They also own local newspapers like the Manchester Evening News, Bristol Post, Liverpool Echo and Nottingham Post. Trinity Mirror is the largest national and regional multimedia content publisher in the UK. They own 240 regional newspapers as well as big national papers. These link to Hesmondhalgh's ideas that cultural production is owned by a few conglomerates who vertically integrate across a range of media.

4. Why do you think ownership is something to be concerned about in the UK? Use Curran and Seaton's Power and Media Industries to explore this idea in your post.

Personally, I think it is a good thing that a range of companies own different newspapers because this means that the public can get a range of views from different ideologies and different information/opinions about the same stories. If this didn't happen then the public would all be brainwashed into believing one particular view/opinion/ideology and would think that no one else can have a different opinion because one company would own every single newspaper so there wouldn't be a variety of different views/opinions/ideologies which makes ownership very important in the UK.


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