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  • What is being sold? Research company background, type of product and price.
Old Spice is made by the company Wieden+Kennedy, Portland. The first products were for women which was introduced in 1937 and then men's products were released in 1938, the products sold are shaving cream, aftershave, deodorant, body wash and body spray. Old Spice introduced its body wash for men in 2003. As the category grew, however, so did the competition. By 2006 Old Spice was losing ground, so it appointed a new advertising agency which was Wieden+Kennedy. Wieden+Kennedy is an independently owned American advertising agency best known for its work with Nike. It was founded by Dan Wieden and David Kennedy. Its headquarters are in Portland, Oregon and it is one of the largest independently owned  advertising agencies in the world. The price is £8.95 for a 125ml bottle of aftershave and £7.16 for a 100ml bottle. In February 2010, Wieden+Kennedy launched a new Old Spice advertising campaign, 'Smell Like a Man, Man'. The first commercial 'The Man Your Man Could Smell Like' was an overnight success, generating significant word-of-mouth buzz online and off-line, and getting referenced by many celebrity fans.
  • Who is the target audience? Explain.

  • The target audience for the product  is mainly men around 18 to 34 but the target audience for the advert is mainly women with boyfriends/husbands/children or family members that age as is it persuading them to buy it for their partner as it is being presented by a good looking man that is around the same age as who it is targeted to which makes it appeal more to the men and women as it makes them think they can smell like the man on the advert. Around 70% of all male toiletry products are purchase by women.
  • What representations are evident in the adverts?

  • In the advert the man is being represented as a strong alfa-male that has power. He looks very masculine as he has no top on which shows off his body being that clearly works out and looks after himself which would attract more audience. His facial expression is a kind of smirk but serious in the eyes which is directed straight to the audience and it looks like he's looking at you and telling you that is it a good product and making you want to buy it.
  • Why have such representations been employed?

  • These representations have been employed because it attracts the target audience more as they could aspire to be and looks like him on the advert or it could make women think they if they buy the product for their partners then they will look and belike him.
  • In what ways do the adverts appeal to the target audience?

  • The advert appeals to the target audience because the person presenting the product is a male which will attract the target audience because it is aimed at males around the same age as him and he is an attractive person so this will also attract the eyes on women that are around the same age as him.
  • Are the adverts successful? Explain your answer.

  • I think the advert is successful because it is popular and well known brand now and it has allowed them to not just sell one thing they have many products being sold now. Also many people would see the advert and aspire to be like the man on the advert therefore if they buy the product then they will look like him as well.

    • What is being sold? Research company background, type of product and price.
    The Shelter programme aims to ultimately end homelessness by providing a variety of services to homeless citizens, such as; face to face service; online advice; a national helpline that's open everyday of the year and legal support.
    Nothing is being sold as it is a charity and doesn't have a franchise business, for a product to sell.
    There isn't a specific price as all donations are accepted and there aren't any price limits.
    • Who is the target audience? Explain.
    The target audience is generally anyone that wants to help the homelessness crisis locally. These specific adverts display middle aged people which may suggest that this is the target audience. In this sense, the adverts are not very effective as it excludes the fact that their are younger and older people that are in need of help and support for example young homeless teens, children and elderly people. The advert presents people of different races which is positive as it shows that it isn't a racial issue, different ages and genders to emphasize that homelessness can effect anyone.
    • What representations are evident in the advert?
    There is a variety of representations in terms of race, gender and age however, I think these adverts would be a lot more effective if they presented a wider spectrum of people so it could appeal to a broader audience and represent the true variety of people that are homeless in the UK.
    • Why have such representations been employed?
    I think these representations have been employed in an effort to represent different people however as previously noted I don't think it was very effective.
    • In what ways do the adverts appeal to the target audience?
    The adverts are appealing to target audiences as it uses bright attractive colours to draw the audiences eyes as the walk across the street and see a border with these posters or if they are given leaflets. also it features brief story lines that are relatable for example the first one on the left. 'loosing a job' this is effective as in the capitalist society that we live in most people need a job to survive meaning this issue will effect most people and be relatable.
    • Are the adverts successful? Explain your answer
    These adverts are successful because they display contact information that stands out because of the bright red font. The transparent font covering the faces with questions is highly effective in my opinion. not only does it draw attention to the peoples realistic facial expressions which reflects their pain as they have to go through struggles everyday as homeless people. But it also shows powerful, rhetorical questions that forces the audience to consider difficult issues that these people have to face everyday which persuades them to want to make a change, that can potentially change their lives for the better.
    • What is being sold? Research company background, type of product and price?
    Lucozade is a drink manufactured by the Japanese company Suntory and marketed as a range of sports and energy drinks. Created as "Glucozade" in the UK in 1927 by a Newcastle pharmacist, William Walker Hunter. He wanted something to help his children during times when they might be suffering from a cold or the flu. He formulated a palatable, easily digestible glucose drink that could help recovery from sickness by providing them with energy when they did not feel like eating food. It was acquired by the British pharmaceutical company Beecham's in 1938 and sold as an energy drink for the sick as Lucozade. The company's advertising slogan was "Lucozade aids recovery". A glucose–water solution, the product was sold until 1983 as a carbonated, slightly orange-flavoured drink in a glass bottle wrapped in yellow cellophane. Pharmacists sold it, children were given it when ill, and hospital visitors would regularly arrive with a bottle. It was rebranded it as a "pick me up" in 1978 and as a sports drink in 1983 to associate it with health rather than sickness. The company switched to a plastic bottle and introduced a range of flavours. Lucozade Energy Orange (6x380ml) The price of Lucozade Energy Orange (6x380ml) in Tesco is £3.70.For each 100ml of Lucozade Energy Orange (6x380ml) the price is 16.2p. With the Multi-buy offer, the discounted price per unit is 8.8p.

    • Who is the target audience? Explain.
    The target audience is  young males aged between 12 and 30, as the brand bids to widen its audience beyond the sports performance market. For example, manual laborers who consume Lucozade as a soft drink instead of as a sporting energy product are one focus for the strategy. This is because it is the most popular age range for males to engage in intense sporting activities, so are likely to want a drink that will give them energy to make their performance better.
    • What representations are evident in the advert?
    In the advert, Gareth Bale is represented as a fierce, strong male, with power and energy. He looks masculine, and serious, and his famous face in the football profession.On his face, there is sweat on his forehead, this makes the audience assume that he has been working hard and the drink has contributed to this, suggesting that he has had a lot of energy, gained from the drink which has made him sweat. The use of sporting clothing on Bale also suggests that he has been involved in sporting activities. Not only this, the colour's on this tip match the text and contrast with the back ground which is also the same colour as the label on the drink. This makes the advert stand out and catch the eye of the audience.
    • Why have such representations been employed and in what ways do the adverts appeal to the target audience?
    His famous and recognizable face will appeal to the target audience, males who engage in sporting activities, and will also appeal to those who follow Bales career in football/ support his team, so are therefore encouraged to buy the drink. Also, he connects the drink to its use as he is a sports man who many of the uses will look up to and aspire to be like, so therefore people are more likely to purchase the drink to make their performance better. The image of Bale looks like he has been working hard sue to the contribution of the energy gained from the drink so will  appeal to the target market who would like to improve their performance and aspire to be as good as Bale.
    • Are the adverts successful? Explain your answer.
    I think that the advert is successful as many sportsman aspire for their performance to be as good as Bales, so therefore by him advertising the drink it therefore suggests that he has the drink to gain energy before the fame, so this will encourage others to buy the drink yo be as good as him.


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