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Avertising Question

Explain how representations in adverts are constructed to promote the product. Choose two of the adverts that you have studied.

The product in the Old Spice advert is promoted in an unusual way as they have put different/ random items together for example Isiah Mustafa on a white stallion and holding a bottle of Old Spice shampoo on some diamonds in a beach. All these things don't really relate to the product they are promoting, the only thing that does relate to the product is the speech. Even though it is unusual, it is unique so it makes it stand out from other products and adverts which could make it more popular. The setting of the product being a beach, promotes the product as being luxury as the beach looks like paradise. This setting also links to the original advert for Old Spice as that was at sea. This would attract more of a wider audience as the advert is more modern than the original so appeals to more people. The advert suggests that men are 'unmanly' unless they use Old Spice and because the product is promoted by a good-looking, muscular male, it promotes the product as making you like him if you smell like him. This promotes the product effectively because if people think this they are more likely to buy the product rather than if they used someone that wasn't as attractive. The colour scheme for this product is mainly pastel colours which promotes the product in a good way as it makes it seem more natural. As it is set in a beach the colours you expect to see are presented in the advert.

In the Shelter advert there is a lack of representation regarding diversity of ethnic background which promotes the organisation as anyone being able to help or be helped as they don't stereotype or discriminate people. The people used in the advert are promoted as blank faced and not dirty or scruffy which emphasizes that being homeless could happen to anyone. The people are also presented as vulnerable as they have used extreme close up images of the people. This promotes the organisation in a good way because it shows the emotion of the people in the images making the audience feel sorry for them and want to help. A basic colour scheme is used but it is very effective as they have used to colour red which is a very bold colour and stands out a lot. This promotes the organisation in a good way because it attracts the eyes of the audience getting more people to help.


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