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A comparison of two national newspapers (The Guardian and The Daily Mail)


The main comparison between these two newspapers is that one is a tabloid and one is a broadsheet; this also means the size of the newspapers are different too, the Daily Mail is half the size on the Guardian. Both of the newspapers have a masthead but the masthead for the Daily Mail is a lot larger and bolder than the masthead for the Guardian. The target audience for the Guardian is more aimed at older people as it has more detail and includes 'hard' news whereas the Daily Mail is aimed at younger adults and middle-aged people as it includes 'soft' news. The audience expectations for the Guardian is a lot different compared to the Daily Mail, as for the Guardian it is expected to see things about politics and the economy but for the Daily Mail it is expected to see things about celebrities. The Guardian is bias towards Labour views so therefore it is a left wing newspaper however the Daily Mail is bias towards conservative views so therefore it is a right wing newspaper. Both newspapers have a byline which shows the name of the person who wrote the article. Both of the newspapers have a big, main visual image that stands out among the rest of what is on the front page, they also both have a caption under the main image. Both newspapers also have copy on the front page. The editor for the Daily Mail dumbs down text in order to reach a wider audiencethis  can also be called tabloidisation, but the editor for the Guardian doesn't do this. The newspapers have a different mode of address as the Daily Mail is not as formal as the Guardian. The Daily Mail uses personalisation as it is a tabloid newspaper, as there is first names and nicknames whereas the Guardian doesn't. The Daily Mail also uses a puff as it says 'newspaper of the year' whereas the Guardian doesn't have anything like that. There is puns in the Daily Mail for example it says 'Its even more orange than me' when its talking about Donald Trump. Both of the newspapers use the splash technique as the main story on the front page of both of them is splashed across the page. 


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