Traditionally The Labour Party have been firmly on the left and have branded themselves in red whereas The Conservative Party have been firmly on the right have and have branded themselves in blue. When New Labour (led by Tony Blair) came to power the Labour Party adopted a more centralised position whilst still leaning to the left and The Conservative Party (led by David Cameron) adopted a more central position whilst still leaning to the right. This has changed again recently with The Conservative Party moving more towards the right (as Teresa May has responded to the post-Brexit changes to the political landscape) and The Labour Party moving back towards a more traditional left (as Jeremy Corben represents a more socialist politics). ‘The Left’ is associated with ‘Liberalism’ (L) - ‘Socialism’ (L+) and ‘Communism’ (L++). This means that people who represent this party - Labour’s Members of Parliament (MPs) - and those who vote Labour sh...